21 Giugno 2001
Articoli di cui è disponibile l'estratto:
MATHUR S, Constable PD, Eppley RM, Waggoner AL, Tumbleson ME, Haschek WM. Fumonisin B(1) is hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic in milk-fed calves. Toxicol Sci 2001; 60: 385-96. |
LING LH, Marchant C, Buckley NA, Prior M, Irvine RJ. Poisoning with the recreational drug paramethoxyamphetamine ("death"). Med J Aust 2001; 174: 453-5. |
Centers for Disease Control. Blood and hair mercury levels in young children and women of childbearing age--United States, 1999. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2001; 50: 140-3. |
Articoli di cui non è disponibile l'estratto:
AGARWAL V, Kumar P. Olanzapine in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia: a report of 2 cases. J Clin Psychiatry 2001; 62: 298-9. |
KRISHNA MT, Fearby S, Annila I, Frew A. Hymenoptera stings and serum tryptase. Lancet 2001; 357: 1527-8. |