Ultimo Aggiornamento:
3 Febbraio 2004
1: Anaesthesia. 2003 Dec;58(12):1178-83.
Critical care.
Ridley S.
Norfolk and Norwich University, Norwich, UK. saxon@domum.globalnet.co.uk
Publication Types:
Review, TutorialPMID: 14705678 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2: Anaesthesia. 2004 Jan;59(1):34-7.
Simple bedside assessment of level of consciousness: comparison
of two simple
assessment scales with the Glasgow Coma scale.
McNarry AF, Goldhill DR.
Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Royal London
Hospital, Barts and
the London NHS Trust, Alexandra Wing, The Royal London Hospital,
London E1 1BB, UK. al@thegasman.fsnet.co.uk
Neurological assessment is an essential component of early
warning scores used
to identify seriously ill ward patients. We investigated how
two simple scales
(ACDU - Alert, Confused, Drowsy, Unresponsive; and AVPU -
Alert, responds to
Voice, responds to Pain, Unresponsive) compared to each other
and also to the
more complicated Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Neurosurgical nurses
patients' conscious level with each of the three scales. Over
7 months, 1020
analysable measurements were collected. Both simple scales
identified distinct
GCS ranges, although some overlap occurred (p < 0.001).
Median GCS scores
associated with AVPU were 15, 13, 8 and 6 and for ACDU were
15, 13, 10 and 6.
The median values of ACDU were more evenly distributed than
AVPU and may
therefore be better at identifying early deteriorations in
conscious level when
they occur in critically ill ward patients.
PMID: 14687096 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
3: Anesth Analg. 2004 Feb;98(2):461-8.
Is there still a place for dopamine in the modern intensive
care unit?
Debaveye YA, Van Den Berghe GH.
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Catholic University
of Leuven, Leuven,
For many years, dopamine was considered an essential drug
in the intensive care
unit (ICU) for its cardiovascular effects and, even more,
for its supposedly
protective effects on renal function and splanchnic mucosal
perfusion. There is
now ample scientific evidence that low dose dopamine is ineffective
prevention and treatment of acute renal failure and for protection
of the gut.
Until recently, low-dose dopamine was considered to be relatively
free of side
effects. However, it is now clear that low-dose dopamine,
besides not achieving
the preset goal of organ protection, may also be deleterious
because it can
induce renal failure in normo- and hypovolemic patients. Furthermore,
may cause harm by impairing mucosal blood flow and by aggravating
gastric motility. Dopamine also suppresses the secretion and
function of
anterior pituitary hormones, thereby aggravating catabolism
and cellular immune
dysfunction and inducing central hypothyroidism. In addition,
dopamine blunts
the ventilatory drive, increasing the risk of respiratory
failure in patients
who are being weaned from mechanical ventilation. We conclude
that there is no
longer a place for low-dose dopamine in the ICU and that,
in view of its side
effects, its extended use as a vasopressor may also be questioned.
PMID: 14742388 [PubMed - in process]
4: Br J Anaesth. 2004 Jan;92(1):54-60.
Strong ions, weak acids and base excess: a simplified Fencl-Stewart
approach to
clinical acid-base disorders.
Story DA, Morimatsu H, Bellomo R.
Department of Anaesthesia, and Department of Intensive Care,
Austin and
Repatriation Medical Centre, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084, Australia.
BACKGROUND: The Fencl-Stewart approach to acid-base disorders
uses five
equations of varying complexity to estimate the base excess
effects of the
important components: the strong ion difference (sodium and
chloride), the total
weak acid concentration (albumin) and unmeasured ions. Although
this approach is
straightforward, most people would need a calculator to use
the equations. We
proposed four simpler equations that require only mental arithmetic
and tested
the hypothesis that these simpler equations would have good
agreement with more
complex Fencl-Stewart equations. METHODS: We reduced two complex
equations for
the sodium-chloride effect on base excess to one simple equation:
sodium-chloride effect (meq litre(-1))=[Na(+)]-[Cl(-)]-38.
We simplified the
equation of the albumin effect on base excess to an equation
with two constants:
albumin effect (meq litre(-1))=0.25x(42-[albumin]g litre(-1)).
Using 300 blood
samples from critically ill patients, we examined the agreement
between the more
complex Fencl-Stewart equations and our simplified versions
with Bland-Altman
analyses. RESULTS: The estimates of the sodium-chloride effect
on base excess
agreed well, with no bias and limits of agreement of -0.5
to 0.5 meq litre(-1).
The albumin effect estimates required log transformation.
The simplified
estimate was, on average, 90% of the Fencl-Stewart estimate.
The limits of
agreement for this percentage were 82-98%. CONCLUSIONS: The
simplified equations
agree well with the previous, more complex equations. Our
findings suggest a
useful, simple way to use the Fencl-Stewart approach to analyse
disorders in clinical practice.
PMID: 14665553 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
5: Crit Care Nurse. 2003 Dec;23(6):81.
The first element of negligence.
Ashley RC.
PMID: 14692175 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
6: Crit Care Nurse. 2003 Dec;23(6):74-80.
An MSN curriculum in preparation of CCNSs: a model for consideration.
Cox CW, Galante CM.
School of Nursing & Health Studies, Georgetown University,
Washington, DC, USA.
PMID: 14692174 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
7: Crit Care Nurse. 2003 Dec;23(6):61-6.
Argatroban, a new treatment option for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
Cleveland KW.
Idaho Drug Information Service, Idaho State University College
of Pharmacy,
Pocatello, Idaho, USA.
Publication Types:
Review, TutorialPMID: 14692173 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
8: Crit Care Nurse. 2003 Dec;23(6):34-41.
Blood management strategies for critical care patients.
Vernon S, Pfeifer GM.
Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Institute, Mentor, Ohio, USA.
Publication Types:
Review, TutorialPMID: 14692170 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
9: Crit Care Nurse. 2003 Dec;23(6):14-22, 24-6, 28 passim;
quiz 31-2.
Rhabdomyolysis. Pathophysiology, recognition, and management.
Criddle LM.
Emergency Department, Trauma/Neuro Intensive Care Unit, Oregon
Health & Science
University, Portland, Ore., USA.
Rhabdomyolysis is a clinical syndrome in which the contents
of injured muscle
cells leak into the circulation. This leakage results in electrolyte
abnormalities, acidosis, clotting disorders, hypovolemia,
and acute renal
failure. More than 100 conditions, both traumatic and non-traumatic,
can lead to
rhabdomyolysis. Intervention consists of early detection,
treatment of the
underlying cause, volume replacement, urinary alkalinization,
and aggressive
diuresis or hemodialysis. Patients with rhabdomyolysis often
require intensive
care, and critical care nurses are instrumental in both the
early detection and
the ongoing management of this life-threatening syndrome.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
Review, AcademicPMID: 14692169 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
10: JAMA. 2004 Jan 21;291(3):287-8.
Physicians apply genome research to treating critical illness
and injury.
Hampton T.
Publication Types:
NewsPMID: 14734572 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] |